The moment when I realize I’m Andie Anderson


I went on date #2 with (M)adman tonight and it was great.

Ok I don’t work for Composure magazine…but I do have a dating-themed blog. And (M)adman is an ad man. Whoa just like Benjamin Barry. So I think that’s close enough for my concerns to be valid:

I can’t shake the feeling that this man is trying to win a bet by making me think he’s awesome. Because he’s awesome. During our initial texting convos I was feeling a little paranoid that this Tinder guy was actually a group of my best friends collaborating to reply to me with the perfect answers. Because his answers have all been “right”. So now I am convinced I’m being picked up based upon a bet and I should probably try to lose him in 10 days. But I don’t think I want to. I am, in fact, inclined to do the opposite.

He took me out to dinner at a great restaurant. The choice of restaurant was a surprise, but he asked me ahead of time whether I would rather know or be surprised. He also gave me attire guidelines when I chose the “surprise”. It was very considerate and a far cry from Blue Eyes’ surprise which was dinner with his best friend and his wife and then a concert of a band I had never heard of. That’s not a surprise for me… that’s a ticket you bought with an ex and then awkwardly tried to disguise. Ugh.

(M)adman is super easy to talk to. He is smart and interesting. He’s witty and a little sarcastic, but it’s kind-spirited sarcasm. Sometimes on dates I notice I’m not listening to the guy because a) I’m bored or b) I’m worrying too much about what to say next because the conversation feels forced. I have not had A or B occur with (M)adman. He’s just the right mix of nerdy and well-adjusted.

After dinner we got tea and sat in the park on this beautiful summer evening with a light breeze blowing through the trees. I like a man who likes tea. We discussed our mutual waspiness as the source of tea love.

He walked me home and my roommate just happened to be getting out of a cab in front of our place. So (M)adman met my roommate. And he talked to her like a human being. They had a full convo while I grinned. Geek would never have done that – he would slink into the shadows. (M)adman either a) is just generally a nice person with social skills and/or b) understands that if you want to be with someone, it’s important that their people like you. Either way I’m impressed with him.

I’m doing a lot of A-ing and B-ing on this post. Apparently I’m in a binary mood. Hello world. Although I guess if it were binary it couldn’t be both A and B. Computers were never really my thing. Let’s leave them to the Steves.

Anyway – this feels like maybe it’s too good to be true. But man I really want the motorcycle scene…here’s to hoping.